They come in a wide variety of shapes and materials. Brushes are an indispensable tool in ski preparation. They remove excess wax, smooth the base structure and give the skis the perfect finish. But not all brushes are the same - the choice of material is crucial for the right application.


With a wide selection of brushes, from coarse to fine and from different materials such as steel, copper and nylon, each brush is used for a very specific task. The right choice of brush is crucial in order to optimally prepare the surface and provide the best possible riding experience. This is how the different brushes can be differentiated:

Fine steel and steel brushes

The basis for thorough base cleaning Steel brushes are robust and are ideal for intensive cleaning of the ski surface. They penetrate deep into the structure of the base and optimally prepare it for waxing. Steel brushes are usually used before the actual waxing or directly after removing the hot wax to expose the base structures. The new Base Brush Steel X-Fine shares the properties of the conventional steel brush, but the fibres of the brushes are finer and are therefore used for additional application.


Copper brushes - for optimum basic cleaning and wax processing

Copper brushes combine strength and flexibility and are ideal for cleaning and processing ski waxes. They are less aggressive than steel brushes and are used after basic cleaning and the removal of hot waxes, as well as powder waxes. Copper brushes offer effective base processing without damaging the base.

Horsehair brushes - the perfect polishing tool

Horsehair brushes are made of natural hair and remove the smallest and finest particles of the structure. They remove the last traces of wax and give the ski a perfect surface. They are ideal for this because they form a particularly fine finish and are therefore used especially in racing.


Nylon brushes - versatile and indispensable for a clean finish
Nylon brushes are the all-rounders of ski preparation and can be used in a variety of ways, especially for high-performance products and as a finish for polishing. They work the wax into the structures and ensure a smooth surface.

Wool brushes - for the finishing touches and high-end preparations
Wool brushes made from high-quality merino wool are used as special tools in ski preparation. They produce an extremely fine finish thanks to a lot of heat and are mainly used for professional applications. They are therefore also used for the final polishing step and give the base an elegant surface.

Choosing the right brush in the preparation process is therefore crucial to ensure the optimum performance of the covering. From the initial cleaning to the final polishing - each brush fulfills its own task and helps the ski to glide efficiently and evenly over the snow. The brushes mentioned above offer a comprehensive range of options for different applications and preparation techniques. The very different and sometimes very individual use of several brushes for the same work step is mostly down to personal strategies and experience and can therefore vary slightly.